All posts by WCRA Admin


Executive Meeting Minutes

Updated – 10/1/09

June 13rh, 2009
St. Luke’s Medical Center
Milwaukee, WI

Present:  Alberta Caughey, Cindy Ganzel, Mary Kissinger, Pat Recely,
Nancy Sonnleitner, Janet Wyrick

 Absent:   Shondel Hansen, Tiffany Johnson, Trish Obrecht, Jen Vogels                      

I.     Old Business

a.    Change to Bylaws

Pat presented the proposed ballot changes.  The committee reviewed the proposed changes and made some suggestions in the wording. The membership would vote on this at the annual meeting and it would take effect next year.

The final changes are (changes are in bold font): 

The officer shall be elected by a majority vote cast by the active members in good standing.  Ballots with instructions for their use shall be posted on the WCRA Webpage 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting and in order to be valid, the ballot must be cast electronically per instructions on the WCRA Webpage and must be received 15 days prior to the Annual Meeting.  Only valid ballots shall be tabulated by the Nominating Committee.  The results of the election shall be announced to the nominees at least seven days prior to the Annual Meeting, and announced to the general membership at the Annual Meeting.  In the event of a tie, the Executive Committee shall vote to break the tie.

II.    New Business

a.    Treasurers Report

Nancy presented the treasurer’s report. The committee reviewed the bank balances.  The CD renewal date is on 8/31/09. Nancy is looking into several interest bearing accounts. At this time we will renew the CD for another year.

Nancy also reported that Trisha Urbaniak from RegAssist provided a donation towards the fall conference this year.

b.     MembershipThe committee reviewed the membership list. Membership has been falling for several years. We discussed strategies to increase membership, such as looking into providing discounts, or coordinating webinars, offering more regional educational events, i.e. workshops in the Fox Valley, Milwaukee Area, and Northern.  We discussed limiting access to parts of the website to members only and looking into whether we could offer webinars to our members through the restricted access part of the website.  Cindy suggested we look into what other state organizations provide for their members. She suggested checking on face book or the Linked In website. 

c.     Educational Grant Request

Carole Eberle from WCRS would like to attend the Collaborative Stage training sessions in Chicago.  Because of budget cuts at the State she will not be reimbursed for registration for this workshop and asked if WCRS could help. The registration is $375.00. After much discussion the committee agreed to do this on the following conditions: Carole will conduct a minimum of 2 training sessions in different locations in the state, and one webinar.  She will not charge an honorarium for these training sessions.  

A WCRA member is interested in taking the CTR exam and has asked for a grant to help pay for some of the study materials. The materials cost $180.00. The committee agreed to provide $90.00 towards the materials if she would write an article for the WCRA website reviewing the materials, what she found helpful, what she did not find helpful.

d.     AJCC Staging Manual Discount Order

Mary will look into whether we can get a discount on the AJCC staging manual if we place a bulk order.  

e.    NCRA Liaison Position

The committee discussed whether we should reimburse someone to attend the NCRA Annual meeting at a cost of $2000-2500 a year. The symposium is available to NCRA members though their website.  It was suggested that we find a WCRA member who is going to the national meeting and ask them if they would report back to the WCRA at the fall meeting or through the website. In return we would waive their membership dues for one year. We will bring this up to the membership for their input.

f.    Annual Meeting Madison

     1.    Agenda- the committee reviewed the agenda. The brochure is in the process of being designed. The committee suggested that we send a brochure to the technical colleges that have HIM programs such as Moraine Park, Gateway, College of the Lake in Green bay, Madison Area Technical College. There will be registration by email. 

     2.    Genentech Speaker

            a.  Mary is working with the Genentech rep about a pre-conference dinner and speaker. She will send out an email when she finds out more.

     3.    Bob will contact vendors to see if they are interested in having a table at the conference. The charge will be $250.00 and they will have to pay for their meals. Possible vendors are ERS, Oncolog, CNEXT, Champs, Pyramid, K-force, and Reflex Oncology.

     4.    Bob asked about gifts for the membership, the committee thought that is not really necessary. We can check out to see if there are businesses that would be willing to donate items.   

     5.    Silent Auction

            a.  Interest in the silent auction has been waning. The committee decided that we will discontinue this for a year.

g.   Social Hours (Thursday pm)

Bob has talked to the hotel about social get together on Thursday evening.



October 16, 2008
Holiday Inn & Conference Center
Marshfield, WI

Call to Order: The 2008 WCRA Business meeting was called to order by President Nancy Sonnleitner at 3:15pm on Thursday, October 16, 2008. 

Membership:  The 2007 membership for WCRA is 60 members.  22 members registered for the conference with greater than 77% of active members present fulfilling the quorum requirement.

Thanks To:  Nancy Sonnleitner thanked Marshfield for hosting the 2008 WCRA annual meeting.  RegAssist, Inc. for their sponsorship of the social hour.   


2007 Annual Business Minutes:  The 2007 minutes were posted on line and had been previously read by the members.  A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes as written and it was approved by the membership. 

NCRA Basket:  A WI state basket for the 2008 NCRA Annual Conference was sent to Minneapolis, MN by Trish Braun.  Nancy Sonnleitner thanked Trish. 

Outgoing Committee Members: Nancy Sonnleitner introduced the outgoing WCRA committee members as follows:

President-Nancy Sonnleitner
Vice President-Sara Biese
Secretary-Tiffany Johnson
Membership-Linda Ramsden
Nominating-Jen Vogels
Website-Shondel Hansen & Janet Wyrick
Liaison-Trish Braun 


New CTRS:  President Nancy Sonnleitner announced the names of WCRA members
who obtained their CTR credentials this past year and a plaque was presented to honor
each.  Members recognized this year were: 

Cindy Koeppl-Marshfield/St Michaels
Pat Norris-West Allis Memorial
Sharon McGinnis-Waukesha

Silent Auction:  The Executive committee held a silent auction again this year.  The money raised will be used to support funding of members unable to obtain financial support to attend the WCRA annual meeting.  Discussion was held regarding the continuation of the silent auction; while members enjoy the auction and many items are donated by member, the auction items have been going for monies far below their value.  Please contact the executive committee if you have any questions/suggestions for further fund raiser opportunites.  The Robert Hendrickson scholarship application is also available.  If interested contact Nancy Sonnleitner and she will email the information. 

WCRA Executive Committee Voting Method:  The current WCRA voting procedure was discussed.  Pat Recely addressed the options to include voting by voice, mail, email, or at an annual conference.  The choice of email was addressed and some of the issues discussed were: cost of software, increased involvement of all members due to low conference attendance.  Jen Vogels did investigate software available and noted there are free software and low cost software programs available.  She will forward information to Janet & Shondel.  Jen also addressed the cost of postage and time in the mailing method.  Registered members present voted to have voice vote at this meeting and the decision was made to have this voice vote as an option at our fall meetings if a quorum is met.  

Liaison Position:  Nancy Sonnleitner addressed the fact that this is an appointed position by the president.  Due to increasing costs across the board and decrease in funding available the executive committee will be reviewing this position. We currently cover the cost for the NCRA Annual Conference for this position.  A suggestion was made to have 1 or 2 members take notes at the NCRA Annual Conference and present at the WCRA Fall Conference or post on our website.  Another suggestion was made to purchase the tapes NCRA makes available.  The executive committee will address these issues.  Please email any suggestions or concerns to the executive committee. 

Membership Dues: Due date is December, 31, 2008.

Reminder – if have not submitted your 2009 membership dues – the membership rate is $25.00 after 1/1/09
For more information contact either Shondel Hansen at 715-847-2000 ext 53586 or Tricia Obrecht at 608-756-6139

2009 WCRA Annual Fall Conference:  Bob Millholland from UWMadison will host the 2009 conference and Lisa Robertson from Milwaukee will host the 2010 conference. 

Incoming Committee Members: Nancy Sonnleitner introduced the incoming WCRA

Committee members as follows:
President-Mary Kissinger
Vice President-Janet Wyrick
Secretary-Tiffany Johnson
Treasurer-Nancy Sonnleitner
ByLaws-Pat Recely, Cindy Ganzel, & Alberta Caughey
Membership:Shondel Hansen & Trish Obrecht
Nominating:Jen Vogels
Website:Shondel Hansen & Janet Wyrick 

Closing remarks:  Nancy Sonnleitner thanked everyone for their past 4yrs of support in her position as President.   A social hour will be sponsored by RegAssist, Inc. following today’s conference.   Members were reminded to take time to look at all the silent auction donations provided by members.  Much appreciation was given to the members who continue to donate items to make this fundraiser worthwhile.

With no other new business at hand, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 4:15pm. 

Respectfully submitted,


Tiffany Johnson


References and Tools

 For current Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System updates click on the following link:                                             

 Web Sites:  Manuals Needed for Required Reporting

Please bookmark or download the following sites for assistance in completing cases for state reporting:

Collaborative Stage Manual

Scroll to ‘Manual’ – choose the option to download the complete staging manual.  Use this manual to complete the Collaborative Stage (CS) fields required (and recommended) for reporting.
Multiple Primary and Histology Coding Rules

Scroll to ‘Complete Manual’ – Download the complete manual with the latest updates.  Use this coding manual to determine the number of reports needed to complete for each case.
Data Collection of Primary Central Nervous System Tumors

Use this manual to determine reportability and correct coding for benign brain and CNS tumors (reportable to WCRS beginning 1/1/2004).

Site-specific surgery information this site, scroll down the page and select Appendix B – site specific surgery codes.  This will help you identify the correct surgery options for individual sites and choose the correct code when abstracting electronically.

AbstractPlus, the data entry program, is a stand-alone executable and is already available to any facility interested in “going electronic” prior to the 1/1/09 deadline.  Please contact Lu Ann Hahn to obtain the software.  Prior to the deadline you will need to provide your IT staff with the program hardware specifications to ensure your facility is capable of using this system.  Please make sure this is done as soon as possible to allow your IT staff enough time to provide you with the proper access and hardware/software if your computer does not currently meet the required specifications.

AbstractPlus Specifications

RegistryPlus programs are written for the Microsoft® Windows® 32-bit environment installed on an Intel® Pentium® or Pentium-compatible computer. The minimum hardware requirements are the same as those of the Microsoft Windows operating system used. Additional system requirements include:

·         Microsoft operating system from Windows 98 through Windows XP
·         128 MB RAM (512 MB recommended)

·         Latest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer (recommended) The available hard-disk space requirement for Abstract Plus depends on the number of abstracts that will be used. A minimum of 70 MB of free hard drive space is required.

WebPlus, the data submission software and soon to be required submission platform, is not yet available but will be ready for testing soon with implementation by the October state-wide rollout.  Currently electronic data can be submitted via CRS Main Line, an email-based data encryption and compression program developed for WCRS in 2003.  Contact Lu Ann Hahn to order a copy.  This program will be discontinued once WebPlus is fully operational.

RegistryPlus On Line Help, the help feature included in AbstractPlus and WebPlus, is also available as a stand-alone program from CDC.  It can be downloaded for free from the following Web site:

For more information on AbstractPlus, WebPlus or RegistryPlus On-Line Help please visit the CDC/NPCR Web site at:

SEER RX Online

Not sure if the drug listed in the patient chart is cancer-directed? Experimental? Hormone therapy?  Chemotherapy?  SEER Rx online look up provides the information you need to help determine the correct drug category and its reportability.  It can be downloaded for free at


Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System Staff

Robert Borchers, Data Manager, GIS Specialist
facility feedback reports, quality assurance, data requests                 (608) 266-0633                    

Mary Foote,  Epidemiologist,
report writing, annual and special publications, data analyses              (608) 261-8874                    

LuAnn Hahn, Research Technician, 
form requests, paper report processing, facility profile updates            (608) 266-2082                    

Kim Ortman, Research Technician, 
electronic submission processing, computer program support             (608) 267-0239                    

Laura Stephenson, Program Director, 
data requests, registry management, reporting and computer support    (608) 266-8926                    

Carole Eberle, Education Trainer/Coordinator                                      (608) 261-8388
Statewide training, case editing

Jane Conner, Research Analyst                                                         (608) 267-9055
Quality Assurance Assistant

Fax Number :                                                                                   (608) 264-9881

Case Submission email address                           

WCRS Web Site