Category Archives: Education Opportunities
2019 – Wisconsin CLP Toolbox: Cancer Facts, New Standards, and Accreditation Tips, Issue #2
Amanda Kong, State Chair for the Commission on Cancer, presents a PDF related to cancer facts in the State of Wisconsin, New Standards from the CoC, and resources available to you for meeting standards.
Download the Kong State Chair 2019 PresentationDownload the Kong State Chair 2019 PresentationDownload the Kong State Chair 2019 Presentation (PDF)
NCRA 2020 Conference Registration and Hotel
Now Open! NCRA 2020 Conference Registration and Hotel

MCRA/WCRA 2019 Annual Regional Education Conference
September 12-13, 2019
Bloomington, MN
Embassy Suites Minneapolis Airport
7901 34th Ave S.
Bloomington, MN
For session information and more, download the Conference Flyer (pdf)
This event will qualify as a Regional Educational Activity for CoC Standard 1.11
NCRA credit is being applied for
NCRA Training Link
Dear Wisconsin Cancer Reporters,
As part of getting ready for the transition from Collaborative Stage to directly-assigned clinical and pathologic Tumor, Nodes, Metastases (TNM) staging and SEER Summary Stage in 2015-2016, the National Cancer Registrars Association (NCRA) is providing free training. For those reporters that are new to cancer registry work and reporters that need a refresher, this is a great opportunity to receive training on the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM coding and SEER summary stage.
While WCRS never stopped requiring SEER summary stage, these training sessions provide an excellent refresher and additional information since the requirement for benign brain tumor reporting began in 2004.
These training sessions are the educational modules that were presented in May at NCRA’s 2014 annual conference during the CDC National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) Education and Training Coordinators’ Workshop. They have been posted on the NCRA website. This link will direct you to the presentations, .
Presentations include:
Results of the AJCC-NCRA Educational Needs Assessment
The National Transition to Directly Coded Stage
CDC-NPCR Transition to Directly Coded Staging: Overview of Transition Activities
CDC-NPCR Transition to Directly Coded Staging: General Rules SEER SS 2000
CDC-NPCR Transition to Directly Coded Staging: Guidelines for Assigning SS 2000
CDC-NPCR Transition to Directly Coded Staging: General Rules for AJCC
CDC-NPCR Transition to Directly Coded Staging: AJCC – Review of Four Cases
If you do not need CE hours, you can watch these presentations for free by clicking directly on the presentation icon. If you would like to purchase CE hours please fill out the viewing form that is available on ths NCRA website and mail payment and form to:
Attn: Store/CCRE CEs
1330 Braddock Place Suite 520
Alexandria, VA 22314 USA
You can also find a link to the presentations on the WCRS website at
Laura Stephenson
QA Manager
Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System