Bylaws Voting Change

At the WCRA Annual Meeting (Fall 2008) a proposal was made to have members vote electronically rather than by paper ballots. This would require a change to the WCRA Bylaws. The following change is proposed and must be ratified by 2/3 of the membership. If the change is ratified, the electronic voting would become effective for the 2010 WCRA Annual Fall Meeting.

Proposed WCRA Bylaws Change for Voting


Article V     Officers and Duties

SECTION 5:  Election:

The officer shall be elected by a majority vote cast by the active members in good standing.  Ballots with instructions for their use shall be placed in the mail to all voting members 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting.  In order to be counted, a ballot must be returned by mail in the envelope provided and must be received 15 days prior to the Annual Meeting.  Valid ballots shall be opened and tabulated by the Nominating Committee.  The results of the election shall be announced to the nominees at least seven days prior to the Annual Meeting, and announced to the general membership at the Annual Meeting.  In the event of a tie, the Executive Committee shall vote to break the tie.

Proposed Change: (Changes in bold)

The officer shall be elected by a majority vote cast by the active members in good standing.  Ballots with instructions for their use shall be posted on the WCRA Webpage 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting.  In order to be valid, the ballot must be cast electronically per instructions on the WCRA Webpage and must be received 15 days prior to the Annual Meeting.  Only valid ballots shall be tabulated by the Nominating Committee.  The results of the election shall be announced to the nominees at least seven days prior to the Annual Meeting, and announced to the general membership at the Annual Meeting.  In the event of a tie, the Executive Committee shall vote to break the tie.

I accept the change_____

I reject the change______

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